The Hidden Reason For Your Why.

Whether your business was founded on your gift or a competitive spirit, tapping into the hidden reason for your why is so important. Operationally it can hinder your growth and scale if you aren’t careful.

This aspect of your business can make or break your success. Just because someone told you you couldn’t doesn’t mean you work tirelessly to prove them wrong. It is awesome to use it as motivation or drive. It is draining to use it to prove a point. Just because you’re gifted at it doesn’t mean you possess the tenacity to keep going when things get hard. It is imperative that accountability is paramount in your day-to-day work and living environment. Fear and Drive are very similar when it comes to results. They both, if used properly, will catapult you to higher heights. And they both will be your demise if used the wrong way. How do you combat and balance the hidden reason for your why?

  1. Discover– Dig deep into what your default thought process is regarding the population you serve. Are you making excuses or cutting corners for a particular type of consumer? Are you cutthroat when making contact with certain personality types? What repeating thoughts or dreams keep you up at night? When you aren’t operating as your best self, what comes out of your soul?
  2. Discern- What hurts your heart? Are you slowing down your pace to wait for someone else? Are you dimming your light, so you don’t blind a close friend, loved one, or significant other? When you started your business, you were extremely excited. What has changed? What is the agenda behind your everyday conversations with friends and family? Who do you default to when you’re tired? Is previous trauma a hidden reason for your why?
  3. Determine– Everyday tell yourself today is the day ______ (fill in the blank). If you write your blank down once a day for 30 days, it will become embedded in your subconscious. It’s time out for second guessing. It’s time out for allowing your past to hold you back from achieving the greatness you were created to be! You are the only you. According to Strength Finder no two assessments have the same strengths in the same order. That means we are all created in our own unique way to put our stamp on this world. Determine to execute your gift in the greatest capacity possible. And show up everyday destined to do so! No one else can do what you do, how you do it. So, no more excuses about worrying if another person makes it. Their destination comes when they move. You cannot reach a new level by standing still. And the view to help others is best when you’re looking down to see their total picture. If you’re on the same level, you will see the same things.
  4. Deliberate– You should have three types of people in your life. Those above you- they will guide and motivate you to keep going. They are where you’re trying to be, so you get to sit at the table early and glean from their mistakes and celebrations. Those on the same level as you- they are in the race with you. They are having the same small achievements you are and working together is a healthy way to be accountable to someone who is exactly where you are at that time. Those who are beneath you- now don’t take this the wrong way. Those who are looking to achieve what you have. You can pay your knowledge and expertise forward. They also give you insight into where you’re NOT trying to go back to. Every level of person plays a part in who you want to become, who you are now, and where you came from. It helps to stay in tune with all three.

To delve a little deeper schedule a consultation at


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